The generator/flywheel cover had a crack around one of the bolt holes which was likely to let water and grime in so it needed repairing. Unfortunately there aren't any engineering firms local to me so another course of action was needed. I was given the brand name Lumiweld, but after reading up on it I was lead to believe that Durafix was a superior product. The crack was almost complete and would have ruined the usefulness of the case.
The Durafix system is very much in between soldering and brazing. The item needs to be heated and then the stick of alloy needs to be presented to the metal, not the flame. Only once the metal is hot enough will the Durafix rod melt and fill in the area required.
Once the rod has been presented and filled the area required there is likely to be an over fill (forgot to photograph), this will need to be dressed to bring it back to its former glory. It can take a while to get the finish right but it's well worth taking the time to get it perfect so that any finish looks good.
As you can see the repair would be unrecognisable if you didn't know it was there. I used a die grinder with milling bits which did a great job, small files and some 400 sand paper to bring it back to an acceptable finish which looks fine under paint. The filler can be quite hard compared to the surrounding metal (strange as the melting point is much lower) so filing is tough going. I can't comment on how structural it is but I've seen video that shows someone trying to twist and rip two pieces of aluminium apart and it took quite some effort so I'm hoping it keeps the cover together.
I'm very happy with the finish on this cover and apart from a few dust specks to the rear of the cover it's perfect. I'll sort the dust out in a few days when the lacquer has cured fully.